How to Make the Perfect Company Christmas Card
It is the time of year where your office is most likely getting what feels like a million Christmas cards. You might be asking yourself should we send one back? What would we even say? Here at TJS we struggled with the same predicaments you are thinking of and asked the same questions. 2019 was the first year that we sent out a Christmas card and we are happy to say it will become an annual process. Below you will find tips on how to make your company Christmas card the best it can be.
This is not your family Christmas card.
It is important to keep in mind that this card should not be too personal since it will be sent out to multiple companies at one time. Therefore, you should leave religion and employee names out of it. Your company is simply wishing another one a happy holiday season.
Keep it simple.
This Christmas card does not need to be full of glitz and glam. Tee Jay Service sent out a Christmas card over email. It took only ten minutes to design and five minutes to send out. It does not matter how you send well wishes. If the design of the card is professional and you are thanking the company, you card will be received with open arms.
Double check you are thanking the company.
You are most likely sending a company a holiday card because you have been doing business with them. It is very important to include thank you in your card. Tee Jay Service Company said, “Thank you for choosing TJS for all your automatic door needs”.
If you follow these guidelines, you are guaranteed to have a wonderful company Christmas card!